Jun 19, 2011

Mood Management @ Harmony House

There are over 100 moods that we can experience at any given moment. The important thing to know about mood is that it is a temporary state of being and there are Mood Management Techniques that can be applied to decrease stress, and increase your communication skills.

You are not your mood. You are in control of your ability to manage your mood and not the other way around.

Four Steps to Manage Your Mood: 

Be Aware 
 First identify the moods you are experiencing. Be aware of negative thought patterns.  You may want to begin by taking inventory of what currently isn’t working in your life. 

Pause and Breathe 
When you feel a mood swing beginning pause, breathe deeply and focus. By focusing your attention on something sensory you can take your mind away from negative thoughts and feelings.

Improve Your Lifestyle 
Assess your lifestyle and attempt to restore balance in all areas of your life. Ensure that you get enough exercise, sleep and eat a balanced diet. 

Seek Help 
If your moods are having a big impact on your ability to get through daily life, work or relationships, then Seek Medical Help!

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